Use Scenes from MELLOWMESHER Street Kit No. 01 to create high quality VFX projects without all the years of experience it takes to get the small details right. We use photogrammetry scans for every scene to get you the most authentic renderings.
This product includes 4 scenes with complete street arrangements for different uses. Just add your buildings, objects and hit render.
Includes V-Ray shader for CINEMA 4D and 3DS MAX.
Also included with the Street Kit No. 01 Complete Edition.
If you don’t want all the scenes you can buy them separately on our Turbosquid store.
Created with Maxon CINEMA 4D R18 and V-Ray 3.4 and converted into max files with Autodesk 3DS MAX 2016 and V-Ray 3.5.
All elements have clean topology, are low poly, and come with displacement (height maps), normal map, bump map, roughness map, AO map and diffuse map.
Diffuse: JPEG RGB 8-Bit
Height: TIFF 16 Bit Greyscale
AO: JPEG Greyscale
Roughness: JPEG Greyscale
Bump: JPEG Greyscale
Normal: JPEG RGB 8 Bit +X+Y+Z
UV mapped
Texture Size:
Cobblestone 01: 8192 x 8347
Cobblestone 02: 8192 x 8192
Cobblestone 08: 13161 x 8192
Cobblestone 09: 4096 x 10311
Cobblestone 10: 8192 x 8192
Complete Pavement: 12559 x 8192
Complete Pavement: 4096 x 8192
Concrete Tiles 01: 3414 x 8192
Driveway: 8192 x 11941
Tactiles: 2079 x 4096
Also included are the manhole covers 01, 03, 06, the leaves and a tree pit with single cobblestones
and curbs 01 and 03 and the brand new grass assets 01.
Recommended Uses:
Architecture visualisation, film asset, game asset, design and many more.
Legal Stuff :
You can use the shader for commercial and non-commercial work and edit it to your liking.
None of the content may be redistributed without permission.
If your work allows for it, please mention MELLOWMESHER in the work.
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Thank you very much & enjoy!